09 August, 2011

My very first time in KAKA

Dear Babies excited for KAKA 贝比们都很期待卡卡的到来
7/8/2011, this date mean alot to me.
Being busy prepare, attend, settle down from KAKA, now only I got time to record down my memorable moment in KAKA

My handmade namecard, 手制的名片

With this new experience, it really bring my interest to another stage which I happy and graceful that really someone outside there love my works :) there's cant find any words to express my statisfication.

这一次全新的体验,让我在我的兴趣上踏出了很大的第一步~ 我非常高兴也非常感恩,真的真的有人欣赏我的作品……那种满足感真的是非言语可以形容

Our Stall in KAKA~ Thanks to my lovely dear Florence and DODO
Lastly, I would like to show my appreciation to my dear Florence and DoDo... they given me a chance to step into a brand new world which I never thought possible ~ Muackssss~!!
and also....during KAKA, there is people that show their interest on my babies and being kind to me, Thanks!


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