29 April, 2011


莉莉 Lily ♥
 姐姐很喜欢小艾薇 (错误的小兔子,这里看
穿粉红灯笼裙的小白兔 ♥ 矜持且骄傲~ “哼”一般的脸孔~

My sister like the Rabbit Evvy I have made last time
So she request me to make a White Bunny with a pink color dress for her....I used off 4 hours and then Lily come to this world~ ♥
Is a White Rabbit wearing pink color lantern dress~ she is elegant and arrogant~ with a expression of "HUH~" :P

莉莉与艾薇 Lily and Evvy ♥♥
现实生活,姐姐往往比我娇小纤瘦……玩偶你就拿大的吧 :P 呵呵~♥

Today Evvy come as a guest and bother of them took a snap~~ Two sister together~ ♥
My sis was asking why Lily is bigger size than Evvy? She more prefer Evvy size which petite and cute
I said: of course~ elder sister was always bigger than younger sister
In Real life... my sister was always smaller size and slimmer than me >.< So I made this to fullfill my little hope? :P

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